Influence Carrier Buddhist - Hindu Religion

How does the process of entry and development of religion and Hindu-Buddhist culture to Indonesia? Who brought religion and culture to the Indonesian Hindu-Buddhist? It raises a variety of interpretations Entry and Growth of Religion and Culture Hindu-Buddhist in Indonesia because there is no concrete evidence. There are several hypotheses regarding the inclusion of religion and Hindu-Buddhist culture to Indonesia, among others, as follows;

1. Hypothesis Vaishya
Vaishya hypothesis revealed that the influx of Hindu religion and culture brought by the class of merchants (Vaishya). They follow the wind season (half a year to change direction) and six-month stay in Indonesia and spread the Hindu religion and culture. According to proponents of the hypothesis Vaishya, Vaishya people that this is generally a group of traders who played a major role in spreading the religion and Hindu culture to the archipelago. Those who made the emergence of Hindu culture that is acceptable in society .. At that time, the traders a lot to do with the rulers and the people. A relationship that is open
opportunities for the spread of Hindu religion and culture. One of the supporting characters are hypotheses Vaishya NJ Chrome.

2. Hypothesis Knights
Hypothesis knight revealed that carriers of the Hindu religion and culture into the archipelago is the knight. According to this hypothesis, in the past in India there antarkerajaan war. The soldiers who lost the war, then held a migration to another area. Apparently, among them there are up to Indonesia and established colonies through conquest. They spread the Hindu religion and culture in Indonesia. One warrior is the CC support the hypothesis Berg.

3. Hypothesis Brahmin
Brahmin hypothesis revealed that carriers of the Hindu religion and culture to Indonesia is the class of Brahmins. The Brahmins came to the archipelago was invited by the ruler of the archipelago to be crowned king of the Hindu ceremony (abhiseka = coronation). In addition, the Brahmins also led the religious ceremonies and the teaching of science. Supporting this hypothesis is J.C. van Leur.

3. National hypothesis
National hypothesis reveals that many of Indonesia's population of active trading in India, return to bring religion and Hindu culture. Conversely, the people of Indonesia (the king) invited the Brahmins of India to spread the Hindu religion and culture in Indonesia. So, the Indonesian people themselves are actively integrating unsurunsur culture of India. Many young Indonesian who study Hinduism and Buddhism to India and after obtaining knowledge, they re-
to spread religion in the country.
Regardless of the hypothesis, the Indonesian people involved plays an important role in the inclusion of religion and culture of India. Indonesia People who have knowledge of the Indian priests then go to where their teacher to make a pilgrimage and increase their knowledge. On his return from India with the provision of sufficient knowledge, they contributed to spread the religion and culture by wearing their own language. The teachings that they can deploy more quickly accepted by the population. Thus, the entry of Indian culture to Indonesia to be faster and easier.