Evidence of Interaction Processes in Some Areas with Hindu-Buddhist

There is strong evidence that Buddhism entered into Indonesia in the 2nd century AD, ie, with the discovery of a bronze statue of Buddha in Sempaga (South Sulawesi). This Buddha statue is the oldest evidence of the influence of Indian culture in Indonesia. The discovery of the statue is also very important because it gives us clues to the altitude and cultural living standard of the people of Indonesia at that time. 

Judging from the features, statues are thought to originate from the ARCA style Amarawati, South India (2-5 century BC). It is possible that this statue is the merchandise or goods may also offering appropriate Buddhist shrine. Similar statues were also found in Jember, East Java and on the Mount Siguntang (South Sumatra). Adapunn in Kutai, East Kalimantan found that shows the statue of Buddha statues of Gandhara art, Northern India. 

The discovery of the Kutai inscriptions of King Mulawarman and prasastiprasasti in Tarumanegara of King Purnawarman showed penghinduan process. Letters used in the inscriptions, the letter is Pallawa, with Sanskrit. In addition, King Mulawarman also often hold religious ceremonies and bring Brahmin-Brahmin from India. All this shows the influence of Indian culture in Indonesia. 

In the 4th century AD Hindu religion and culture into Indonesia. Inscriptions of the kingdom of Kutai and the Kingdom of Tarumanegara indicate penghinduan process. Initially developed in advance is the new Hindu religion and Buddhism (Buddhism that developed in Indonesia is Mahayana Buddhism). It is evident that the first kings in Indonesia adheres to Hinduism, such as Mulawarman of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Kutai and Purnawarman Tarumanegara. Eventually the two religions continued to grow, and go into most major religions in the country. After living peacefully for centuries, and syncretism occurred between them. Results syncretism sparked a stream of new religion known as Shiva-Buddhist religion. This stream is growing rapidly in the 13th century AD Adherents of this school, among others, King Kertanegara and Adityawarman.